I know it's an old cliché, and I know you already know that.
But let's be careful about it. Knowing is pretty different from being able to put it into practice at the right moment.
I think we all have this experience, none the less, that when we are wondering about a problem and somebody's advice just hit our thought right, and after I while when you look back, it was something we already knew but we didn't come up with it at that moment.
Clues for problems always underlie something we already know consciously or unconsciously. Our world is quite simple if we see it in the simple way. But interestingly, we usually don't find the simple way to see the world, and instead of finding the simple, we spend plenty of time considering, wondering at, and sometimes suffering from it.
So, when we face difficulties, what shall we do?
Well, we know that the life never stops.
Then, how shall we put this into practice? In other words, how shall we apply this old cliché to overcome the difficulty?
One thing which I believe helps is not to worry as if you will worry about it forever.
People worry about things when they attack their lives. But the thing is, the very simple thing is, we don't have to worry when we don't have to worry. In fact, people have this predisposition to do nothing to face the difficulty but worry about it. However, if we think about it seriously, we will find that we are usually worrying about things which are already happened, or things which we cannot change.
People worry about things when they attack their lives. But the thing is, the very simple thing is, we don't have to worry when we don't have to worry. In fact, people have this predisposition to do nothing to face the difficulty but worry about it. However, if we think about it seriously, we will find that we are usually worrying about things which are already happened, or things which we cannot change.
In this sense, we are putting ourselves against the simple and the well-known fact: life goes on.
If we made a mistake in our job, let's think about how we can prevent from making the same mistakes in the future or how to compensate the mistake, instead of worrying about the cost of the mistake, how much you will be scold by your boss, or how long you will feel depressed.
Well, the truth is that it is very difficult to think in that way when you are in such a situation. But when you get into that situation, try to shift your mind out from your mind as if you were your best friend being beside you. What would you say to yourself?
Just, don't push yourself to think in a positive way unnaturally. It usually ends up with breaking your mind more or causing another problem. Just try to talk to yourself as if you were the third person.
And, remember, the life goes on.