However, it is very difficult to make it a good one.
We can easily live our life without consciousness on it.
Everyday, what we usually do is that we wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work or school, do what we are supposed to do, have lunch, talk with friends, go back to work/study, talk with bosses and professors, go back home, have dinner, talk with family, watch TV, read books, go to bed, and go back to the very beginning of this cycle. It's pretty easy. However, if we want to focus on the meanings of what we have done, it becomes more difficult, and sometimes, even painful.
What did I eat for breakfast? What kind of feeling did I have while eating?
With what emotions did I go to work/school?
With what emotions did I go to work/school?
What did the things I did do for my life? What about for the world? How did I contribute? Did I contribute to something? What kind of feeling did I have while I was doing what I was supposed to do?
What did I learn from the conversations I had with my friends? What did they mean to my life?
How did I feel when I get back to my home?
What did TV and books mean to me?
Overall, what did I do today?
Overall, what did I do today?
It might be surprising to realize how small a day is.
It may be even more surprising how less we are conscious of what we do, what we think, and what we feel in a day.
Even when we feel we learned a lot in one day, we can easily forget it if we don't look back and think about what we learned again.
It is in this sense that reflection is important.
What most people usually do not do is actually important. Most people usually do not reflect on themselves. Therefore, reflection is actually important.
I know this is false deduction, but it makes sense, doesn't it?
(Well, at least, it does for me!)
Reflection is powerful.
We can store what we learned in our brain longer and deeper.
We can find a different meaning by thinking after a period of cooling down the idea.
We can pay attention to what we think and be more conscious of ourselves.
It gives more meaning to each day.
If we keep what we reflect in a short paragraph, we can look back and track our thoughts.
Sometimes, me in the past teaches something important to the present me.
In order to become more conscious of our thoughts, our feelings, our words and our deeds, and in order to learn from them, I recommend to have time to reflect every day.
Even 5 minutes will change the quality of our life.
Reflection is that powerful.