Friday, August 17, 2012

365 Days of Feeling Happy and Grateful ~Day11-15~

Day 11: Say thank you to the bed.

We usually don't even think about the privilege of sleeping with a comfortable bed. However, if you have experienced overnight camping or overnight mega-bus trip, you know your sleep is as tough as the "bed". So, let's thank it when we get up :)

Day 12: Notice what rain gives us.

Do you like rainy days?
To me, many people don't like rainy days. Well, personally, I prefer sunny days, but the truth is that sunny days and rainy days are not good or bad by themselves. We just attach personal meanings to these days, and feel "Oh, gosh! It's raining!"
I'm not going to try to convince you not to dislike rain here. That's not my purpose. But, let's just feel what rain gives to us. After all, we can't live without rain!

Day 13: Reassure yourself that you are on the way you want.

Where are you heading physically, mentally, spiritually, in terms of relationship, friendship, etc.?
Stop your walk for a moment and check where you are again, and make sure you are going to the right direction :)

Day 14: Feel the beauty that you havent' noticed yet.

There is always things we don't see, and yet very beautiful. Ask yourself, "What other beautiful things do I have?" Take your time for yourself to care and praise him/her. What did you find?

Day 15: Dissolve yourself in silence.

Every moment, we're surrounded by sounds. Car horn, subway, rattle of windows, flip of paper, chatting, typing... Even when we're sleeping, we hear some sound. Let's take some time to find silence. Rest our ears and feel our consciousness melting into the silent world. I'm sure that'll give you a positive calmness.

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